We See Gateway Church Awakened To Know God Intimately. We see a generation, of men and women of all ages being awakened to their God given gifts and talents. We see a generation being awakened to their life - long calling and mission that is upon their lives. We see a great awakening among our families – an Awakening of Revival, Renewal & Reformation! We see an awakening in this community and the Spirit of the Lord resting upon it. We see an awakening upon our young ones that will rise up and burn for the fire of God to consume every part of their lives! We see the Nazirites coming, with fasting, prayer and consecration, just because they get to! We see an awakening of prayer and passionate pursuit of God like never before!
We See Gateway Church Equipping A Generation For The Work Of The Ministry. We are consumed by God that He desires to train leaders & raise up disciples, these are the Burning Ones that love His Presence! We see our church being equipped with prayer & knowing how to pray effectively & passionately. We see us equipped with the Word of God & power, knowing the scriptures intimately and applying them to our lives diligently! We see a School of Ministry to equip the saints to flow in their Spiritual Gifting. We see a generation being equipped to walk in miracles – signs & wonders. We see people being equipped to Preach – Teach & Lead Worship. We see leaders reproducing themselves and making disciples by mentoring & training those they lead.
We See Gateway Church Sending People Out To Be A Demonstration Of Gods Love Into The Earth! We see them going into the streets sharing Gods love, outside the walls of the building. We see home missionaries being sent to heal the sick, feed the hungry & clothe the needy. We see our church going into the mission fields outside of America into third world countries abroad, bringing to them the gospel of Jesus Christ. We see our church sending out Preachers & Worship teams to equip and evangelize with Minister Conferences and Revival services. We see our church serving our neighbors and community by doing random acts of kindness just because we can! We see our church sending people into the homes of families who are hurting and need encouragement. We see the Burning Ones being sent out to share the love of God with their friends & loved ones.
We genuinely believe this is Gods Dream & Vision that He sees for our Gateway Church. He has driven this into our hearts for our church. And it is our passion to see everything come to pass. Here is the exciting part, that there is so much more to God than we have experienced so far!
That we are to focus on these three things…
- AWAKEN a Generation to know God
- EQUIP them for the work of the Ministry
- SEND them out to be a demonstration of God’s LOVE!
When God gave the Prophet Isaiah a fresh Vision of God and the work of the Lord, he jumped to the opportunity to serve! When God asked for volunteers to run with his Vision, there was no hesitating and absolutely no holding him back. God spoke from the Heavens and said… “Who will go for us, and whom shall we send?” Isaiah responded with great passion and conviction and said, “Here am I Lord, SEND ME!”
Where are the ones that will jump at this opportunity? Where the History Makers that will rise up and Burn for the Heart of God? Where are the ones that will say … “Here am I Lord, Send Me, SEND ME!”
- Pastors Aaron & Jennifer Joseph